Execution is the Strategy! – How Leaders Achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time
Those of you who know me, know I’m a long-time devotee of Laura Stack (aka The Productivity Pro). As a thought leader in productivity, time management, leadership, and work/life balance, Laura is one of our top speakers on the SPEAK! team and a long-time personal productivity and efficiency mentor for all of us at here at SPEAK! Thanks to Laura, we all get more done in less time with less stress and enjoy our work more. Who wouldn’t want more of THAT!?
It’s not who has the best ideas; it’s who executes their ideas best!
We are so excited to share the news that Laura’s newest leadership & productivity book, Execution IS the Strategy: How Leaders Achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time, hit the bookstores yesterday, March 3, and immediately skyrocketed to the top of all the major bestseller lists.
Take a moment and watch this intro video on Execution is the Strategy.
Here’s a quick overview of what this pivotal, leadership must-read is all about:
Stack believes a leader’s biggest challenge isn’t creating the strategy—it’s executing the strategy. In today’s world of rapid, disruptive change, strategy can’t be separate from execution—it has to emerge from execution. You have to continually adjust your strategy to fit new realities. Laura Stack’s book will show you how to quickly drive strategic initiatives and get great results from your team. Her L-E-A-D Formula™ outlines the Four Keys to Successful Execution:
L = Leverage: Are you strong enough as a leader, and do you have the right people and drivers in place to achieve your strategic priorities? If not, then you have a talent/resource issue.
E = Environment: Do you have the organizational atmosphere, practices, and unwritten ground rules to allow your employees to easily support your strategic priorities? If not, you have a cultural/engagement issue.
A = Alignment: Do your team members’ daily activities move them toward the accomplishment of the organization’s ultimate goals? If not, then you have a communication/productivity issue.
D = Drive: Are your organization’s leaders, teams, and employees nimble enough to move quickly once the first three keys are in place? If not, you have a speed/agility issue.
Favorite nugget so far?
“The Modern Business Leader’s Job…
Listen to the folks who execute, make their work easier, and support them in continually finding and pursuing new strategies.”
Laura’s influence and effect on how we work around here is immense and we are grateful for every time-saving tip, tool and trick she has shared with us over the years.
With her attention and expertise turned to leadership, we can’t wait to dive in for more actionable and practical tools, insights and Ahh Haaa’s to improve our business – and our lives.
Let me know what you think!
And of course, if you’d like to discuss the possibility of Laura speaking to your franchisees, give us a call (720-304-3710) — we’d love to hear from you!
More soon…
P.S. For some great insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your strategic execution process, take the Execution Quotient Assessment here http://theproductivitypro.com/execution/