Trey Malicoat is on a mission to teach people how to live life with bold passion! Highly inspirational and motivational, Trey motivated audiences around the US to seize life differently by doing the extra 3% that makes all the difference in the world. Trey’s messages are about personal motivation, personal resiliency and personal relationships. Trey challenges business owners and franchisors to think outside of the box and increase profitability by expanding new markets, developing stronger networks, and taking the steps to pursue excellence in every aspect of life. In addition, Trey is known for his ability to create really dynamic workplace cultures and franchise networks that are profit-centered and highly functional. With all of Trey’s presentations, participants learn great content in a fun and engaging way.
Trey has worked for the last 22 years in the field of healthcare administration, marketing and public relations in the franchise industry, and as a leadership consultant and trainer. Trey has written one book entitled “The Journey of Change” and is working on a second book scheduled for release in 2010 on living a bold and passionate personal and professional life. If you are looking for someone who will motivate your network to the next level and increase your bottom line, Trey is the man!