Steve Harper, Founder of Ripple Central, bounded onto our radar recently through a valued and dear franchise industry friend and we LOVE the opportunities his message uncovers. (Stay tuned for his full details as we officially add him to our SPEAK! roster soon. 🙂 )
“Rippling is all about transcending the traditional ways you connect
to powerfully transform your life, both personally and professionally.
Utilizing innovative tools and techniques,
you are able to activate all of the dormant potential
inherent within each and every connection.”
In Steve’s recent article, “You Had Me at Hello—Get the Conversation Started” he creates a vision of how “Rippling” has the power to…
transform the dynamic & culture within your franchise team
- create leaders who engage and communicate exceptionally
- discover & develop your next future superstar employee
- find & motivate your next top performing franchisee
Steve’s message fits as a keynote, a tactical (and fun) workshop or training session—or could he be a fantastic part of your next franchise team-building or kick-off event? The options are fun to ponder—l’d love to brainstorm about them.
More soon…
P.S. And as Steve says (and now so do I)…Ripple On!