Is Your Event Planning Team Big or Small?

Event planner is ranked as the 5th most stressful job in 2016! And, of course, in the franchise world, often this critical function is added to the job description of someone who has a MANY other responsibilities.  🙂 

Whether your event planning team is big or small, we ran across a few awesome ideas recently and thought we’d pass them along:

  1. Have a Plan B…for everything. I suppose this may sound negative, but you know as well as we do that things CAN go wrong. Flexibility and creativity on the spot is awesome, but a Plan B keeps blood pressure lower because…well…it’s a “plan” after all.
  2. franchisor-event-planning-tipsDo a Mental Walk Through before the event. I found this useful recently, while I was planning a small event for a group of friends. When I visualized the event from start to finish, with my schedule in front of me, I noticed 4-5 things I’d overlooked—yikes. I added them to my pre-event task list and in one case, modified my plan.

  3. Delegate what you can to those you trust and communicate well back to you. (We hope SPEAK! can be a valued partner for you in speaker selection through logistics. Our goal is always to make you look fantastic by matching your franchise event with the best speaker option AND to prevent gray hair when it comes to speaker logistics!)

  4. Do your wrap up as soon as possible, while your thoughts are fresh. Utilizing travel time (if you’re flying), can have “wrap up” off your long list of things to do when you reenter the office after an event.

If you’ve found ideas that are super useful to your planning efforts, let me know. I’d love to compile a list from those that are living and learning, to send out to those who are also living and learning!  🙂 

More soon…



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