Franchise Business Review: The Missing Piece of Your Corporate Culture

We just ran across this thought-provoking article from Franchise Business Review, entitled, The Missing Piece of Your Corporate Culture. Without giving it away, 😊 here’s a quote included in the article, from the Harvard Business Review about the role of emotions in culture: “Countless empirical studies show the significant impact of emotions on how people […]

Troy Hazard: Real Experience. Real Impact. Real Change.

Let’s be honest, there are a LOT of inspiring, engaging speakers out there. HOW do you narrow down the options to find the best match for your franchisees and franchise climate this year? Two words: franchise experience So, as we continue to feature speakers that have been franchisees this month, here’s one of our long […]

Having John Francis at your next franchise event will be a game-changer!

In most franchise circles, John Francis needs no introduction. It’s very possible he’s spoken at a franchise convention or meeting you’ve attended or planned, served on a franchisor board or industry committee you are familiar with — OR maybe you’ve just been lucky enough to spend some time with John at a franchise industry event. […]

10 Minutes to Evacuate – What would you take?

This week, Colorado has again been ravished by fire.  We live at the base of the foothills in Boulder where the Flagstaff Fire was located.  Though nothing in comparison to the tragic losses experienced from the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs, this fire was on the ridge line right above our home. Tuesday evening, […]

Greg Nathan's Tip #29: Taking the Pain From Change

This week Greg discusses the benefits of including franchisees in decisions about changes within your franchise system. Taking the Pain From Change Isn't it great when you have one of those light bulb moments and see something familiar in a fresh light? It happened to me recently while facilitating a course on Franchise Relationships. We […]