Over here at SPEAK!, our dogs are part of the family—and families often share a resemblance, right?
SO, we thought it would be fun to see if you are able to match our SPEAK! team member with their beloved pet.
What do you think? Can you see the resemblances? With a perfect match, we’ll send you your choice of several books, written by some of our favorite speaker partners. Good luck! And may your holiday be filled with love, joy and peace—in whatever way warms your heart.
More soon,
P.S. I look forward to connecting with each of you early in 2018. And, as always, let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you.
Answer Key: Katrina & Cecil Roy, Katie & Bella & Ollie, Olivia & Maggie Moo, Aletha & MoJo, Meadow & Bella Bear, Debbie & Tessa