Stop to Smell the Office Roses – Increase Your Job Satisfaction in 2013

As 2013 rapidly approaches, most of us start reflecting on the lessons we learned from 2012 and what we could do differently to improve our personal and professional lives – yes – time for the infamous ‘New Year’s Resolution’ is around the corner.  But unlike New Year's Resolutions, which usually die out by mid-March (check out the gym Jan 2nd compared to March 15th), looking back and truly evaluating the high and low points of the previous year is one of the most important things our team does every year.

In talking to many friends and colleagues about what’s on their lists to create a better 2013,  the most consistent response is  that people want to enjoy their careers more. Even though most of the people I work with and surround myself with socially are pleased with their careers, many are letting the enjoyment that should accompany their hard work be consumed by the flood of information, communication and exploding 'to-do' lists.

For those of you who sometimes forget to bask in the joy of your success, here are 6 tips from the extraordinary Libby Gill on How to Get More Satisfaction from Your Work:

  1. Create workplace friendships.  Not surprisingly, studies show that people who have friends in the workplace have much greater job satisfaction than those who don’t.  Even if you don’t socialize outside of the office (though that’s okay, too) why settle for merely having co-workers and when you could be working with friends?
  2. Mentor someone with less experience.  Mentoring someone on the way up can give you an enormous sense of satisfaction.  Not only do you get to be of service by giving someone else the benefit of your knowledge and experience, you reinforce your own sense of confidence in just how much wisdom you’ve gained over the years.
  3. Practice “kaizen,” or continuous improvement.  When you’re committed to continually improving your skills and contributing to the improvement of your workplace, you feel far more invested in your job.  Take – or teach – a class or seminar where you’ll gain new skills, volunteer for a project outside your area, or start a program to benefit co-workers.
  4. Maintain a fitness routine, no matter how busy you get.  Keep your stress levels down and your immune system strong by maintaining a regular fitness practice.  Whenever possible, take some time out of your workday to hit the gym, run the stairs or walk to a lunch appointment.  Make sure you keep a big glass of water and plenty of healthy snacks on hand, too.
  5. Laugh often.  Sharing a laugh with your colleagues is one of the best ways to let off steam, reduce stress and create an office bond.  Try a “laughter yoga” class, swap stories over lunch or share an office-appropriate joke with your team.
  6. Take some time off.   Yep, no matter how much you love your work (like I do), taking time off can be incredibly rejuvenating.  Read, relax, try some great food and wine.

Many thanks to Libby for these great tips and reminders that when we live a happy life in our workplace, it carries over into the rest of our lives.

Have anyone on your team who might be lacking in passion or productivity?  Having trouble inspiring your team, your franchisees or yourself?  Need some leadership tools to help get your franchisees unstuck and on track?

Business coach, brand strategist and bestselling author, Libby Gill, will inspire your franchisees to non-stop action and surefire success.  With contagious enthusiasm and unstoppable energy, Libby delivers a compelling message about delivering massive value consistently over time that resonates with audiences worldwide.

Contact me today to hire Libby for your next meeting or conference, and go HERE to preview her video.

More soon…


P.S.  Here what a recent client had to say about Libby’s impact on her team!

“I previewed more than 20 speakers for our leadership event, but kept coming back to Libby Gill. The warmth and intelligence that I saw in her video were exactly what I wanted for our group of high potential future leaders. And Libby delivered even more than I'd hoped for, taking our leaders through an intensely personal and highly productive day-long learning experience.”

Kathy Martin, Technology Leadership Program Manager, PayPal


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