Troy Hazard Delivers to Denver Franchise Leaders

At SPEAK! we love finding the perfect match for our clients and recently we had the pleasure of helping the Denver FBN (Franchise Business Network) find the right after dinner keynote speaker for their group.  When given the meeting objectives, it became clear that Troy Hazard, CSP and Franchise Business Expert was the right fit.

Troy Hazard speaks on the topic of how to create wealth in business, even during challenging economic times. Bringing humor and insight from his real world experience running 10 businesses, Troy discusses how he was moved to work on himself and take “30 minutes each day to work on me”. He discusses the 3 buckets he created to categorize “what can I influence today, what have I influenced, and what can”t I influence today”.

Troy shared his memorable message with a full house and franchise executives from many leading brands gave rave reviews some of which have been captured on this short 3 minute clip (see below).

An after dinner keynote speaker has a tough job and Troy has an amazing talent for keeping his audiences engaged and alert.   His message is timely, relevant, easy to remember and hits a bulls eye with franchisors, franchisees, area developers,


master franchisees and multi-unit owners alike.  Take a quick look and see what the Denver franchise community has to say about Troy.


3:21 – Denver FBN community talks about Troy Hazard

See more of Troy Hazard”s educational presentations here:

If you are in charge of content for any franchise event, we”d love to help you find the perfect match, whether it”s Troy Hazard or one of our other franchise savvy pros.

Simply call our direct line:  720-304-3710

We Know the Franchise World
It’s All We Do!

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