When Your Keynote Speaker Fits Your Franchise Culture Like a Glove

My title is Chief Match Maker. 😊So for me, it’s more than just suggesting any skilled professional speaker to keynote at our Client’s franchise convention. In addition to: 1) franchise event learning objectives matching speaker content, 2) a speaker being franchise savvy, 3) passing the no-Diva test, and 4) fitting the Client’s investment level, matching […]

Seth Mattison: Every Generation Has Its Own Story

“Every generation has its own story.” Seth Mattison‘s research, intuition and personalized message inspire an understanding and respect that builds meaningful relationships… relationships that can transform the culture of a franchise system AND connect with customers authentically. Because, as Seth says, “deals get done in relationships”. On stage, Seth is energetic, passionate and uses humor brilliantly to inspire […]

Kelly McDonald: How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You

I had the pleasure of dining with one of our Colorado-based speakers, Kelly McDonald, last week and I became more excited about her relevant, cutting-edge content which addresses what so many franchise systems are immersed in—working with, leading and marketing to people “not like you”. Whether a diversity among franchise owners, within franchisee staff or your […]

Scott Greenberg: Recruiting, Engaging & Retaining Employees with Intrinsic Motivation

I sat down recently with extraordinary franchise keynote speaker, Scott Greenberg, to talk about all things franchise: the top performing franchisee mindset, franchise culture, millennials, game-changing customer service, franchisor/franchisee relationships and more. As a past elite performing multi-unit franchisee himself, Scott has a unique perspective— and franchisees connect to it immediately. Here, Scott talks about the […]

Franchise Business Review: The Missing Piece of Your Corporate Culture

We just ran across this thought-provoking article from Franchise Business Review, entitled, The Missing Piece of Your Corporate Culture. Without giving it away, 😊 here’s a quote included in the article, from the Harvard Business Review about the role of emotions in culture: “Countless empirical studies show the significant impact of emotions on how people […]

Happy World Values Day: Greg Nathan Talks Franchise Values & Culture

Tomorrow is World Values Day and though many of these “extra” holidays can seem unnecessary or even silly, THIS one is near and dear to my heart. At SPEAK! we operate on five core values, which we strive to manifest in each interaction: integrity, kindness, respect, trust, communication & FUN! And SO many of our […]

Improve the Vitality of Your Franchise Organization … This Year.

Healthy franchise relations are the key to success in tough times. Have you ever wondered how to get everyone in your franchise network pulling together as one team? Or why your franchisees don’t listen to your good advice? Join us for a Profitable Partnership Boot Camp and spend two valuable days with franchise relationships expert, […]