The ‘WE’ Relationship Steve Yastrow

Cherishing Customers; Earning and Maintaining Customer Loyalty (even in a Down Economy) Dean Lindsey

In these tough economic times, customer service IS the difference between success and failure in any business. Dean believes that customers are: REVENUE, REFERRALS, & REALITY.

In Dean’s innovative and thought provoking Cherishing Customers program, front line staff, managers, franchisees, master franchisees and home office staff receive professional customer service training that helps committed franchise systems.

Positively Outrageous Service T. Scott Gross

Positively Outrageous Service; If you aren’t making your customers say WOW!… who is? As Scott gives examples he used personally to build his business…delivered masterfully as a true storyteller…you can feel the buy-in develop! When audiences are laughing…someone is paying attention and that’s when learning happens! The real payoff begins when they take home how-to ideas that will benefit the bottom line.

From Scott’s first book, the management classic, Positively Outrageous Service, learn the principles used to hire, train, and lead a team to serve outrageously. Audiences love POS because it’s simple, practical…and fun!

Why Service Stinks… and Exactly What to Do About It! T. Scott Gross

Most companies don’t know how to spot the potential new hires (or even long term employees) who could be running off your customers to the welcoming arms of your competition!  T. Scott Gross does!

Scott will teach you how “Service Naturals” are easy to find once you know what they look like.  Based on a study of 10,000 very vocal consumers, bosses, and servicepersons, Gross built a psychological profile of the perfect customer service person.  Why Service Stinks… and Exactly What to Do About It!

Recruiting, hiring, and training for great service is easy…and fun, once you create an environment that encourages Positively Outrageous Service.

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