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Join us for SPEAK! SPARK:

Why A Virtual Host/Emcee
is a ‘Must Have’!

October 7, 2020
12:00 MT

Come watch speaker and Las Vegas headliner, Jeff Civillico, show you why hiring a Virtual Emcee/Host is an absolute MUST in this new digital world! A clean comedian with high energy and even more contagious smile, Jeff knows what it takes to bring your virtual meeting to the next level. Learn how to run more efficient and impactful virtual meetings that are designed to educate your team while keeping them engaged.

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Why A Virtual Host/Emcee is a ‘Must Have’!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
12pm MT

simply by filling out this form.

Putting together a fantastic franchise convention is a huge project. Over the years, we have collected a ton of great ideas and best practices from hundreds of our franchise clients. We’d be happy to help in any way we can, so please feel free to reach out.

And remember, at no fee to you, we’ll help you find the perfect, franchise-savvy keynote speaker, breakout trainer, emcee or entertainer to WOW! your franchise audience.

Yes! I’d love some fresh ideas for creating a WOW! event.

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