Future. Change. Teams. Generations. Female.
Do any of those words grab your attention? I’m guessing they do, as we hear many of them, over and over, as we talk to our franchise clients about what their franchise systems are looking to address in their conventions. One FABULOUS solution… Cheryl Cran: Future of Work, Change Leadership. Me to WE Teams. Multi-Generational Collaboration. FANTASTIC female keynoter. […]
Dan Thurmon: Delivering WOW & Ramping up Performance!
Beyond the energy and WOW of Dan’s presentation, he delivers skills and ideas which will move your franchisees to improve their performance—performance under stress, during change and when it matters most. Dan says the key to being able to “perform,” or deliver excellence when it matters the most, is to prepare properly and understand the […]
Kelly McDonald: People NOT Like You

Named #1 on the list of “26 Hot Speakers” by Successful Meetings Magazine, Kelly McDonald has a NEW, best-selling book titled, “How to Work With & Lead People Not Like You”. We’re asked frequently about speakers who can help franchise teams address the topic of millennials—how to engage, retain and create highly productive teams which […]
Sales Follow Connection: Colette Carlson

Keynote speaker Colette Carlson, is a human connection expert—and with her energy, sense of humor and entertainingly wrapped wisdom and takeaways, your audience will walk away thrilled and equipped to make changes in their businesses and lives. Colette discusses: the language of leadership – connected enthusiastic teams – sales through true connection – genuine communication […]
Create Breakout Sessions That Earn Rave Reviews!

Often franchisors leverage internal talent or vendor partner subject matter experts to deliver content in their breakout track curriculum. Wouldn’t you love to have your franchisees engaged, participating, excited and tactically ready to implement new tools and techniques into their businesses as soon as they return home? One of the biggest concerns (and sometimes complaints) […]
Solidify Commitment to Your System Throughout Your Convention by Using Hollywood Storytelling Techniques

Imagine walking the halls after your opening “State of the Franchise System” speech and hearing… “I realized there is no better way to run our franchise than to follow the system”…over and over from your franchisees. 🙂 Hall-of-Fame keynote speaker, executive speech coach, presentation trainer AND long-time SPEAK! friend, Patricia Fripp has tried and true […]
Did I Have You at Hello?

Steve Harper, Founder of Ripple Central, bounded onto our radar recently through a valued and dear franchise industry friend and we LOVE the opportunities his message uncovers. (Stay tuned for his full details as we officially add him to our SPEAK! roster soon. 🙂 ) “Rippling is all about transcending the traditional ways you […]
Mike Abrashoff: Leading With Humility Changes Culture

Former Commander of the USS Benfold, Mike Abrashoff recently reflected on the things he learned from Secretary of Defense William Perry. This is an excerpt: “An arrogant leader makes it tougher for the troops to do their job. Nobody wants to do business with you or your team if you come across in an arrogant […]
Seth Mattison: Where Does Your Leader Sit?

“In the new world of work, the leader no longer sits on the top of the chart. The leader sits in the middle of the network—and what a powerful place to be. The leader can connect with everyone—and more importantly, everyone can connect with them.” Looking for a fresh keynoter that rocks your next franchisee convention? […]
Lisa Ford: “We Don’t Have Any Lemons Today” Service

Customer loyalty expert and rock star speaker, Lisa Ford uses humor and real-life stories (like the one in the video below about lemons 🙂 ) to illustrate the irony of the customer service nearly everyone talks about, but very few consistently live and execute from the top to the front-lines. Lisa addresses the customer experience […]